St. Albert, AB

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Latest reviews from St. Albert

- 11/10/2017 5:10:40 AM
Quote I am really amazed with the experience and professionalism of Myhopewell. Thanks for helping me learn to be honest with myself, clarify my life goals, and focus on my education. I would surely recomme... read more
Naomi Crozier wrote a review for Parker Holly Dr
- 1/17/2013 11:36:06 PM
Quote I had my chidren tested with Dr.H.Parker. As soon as I walked in the reception experience wasn't very welcoming and had very little communication or eye contact. Dr.H.Parker's testing skills were goo... read more
- 7/11/2012 12:42:01 PM
Quote I called to obtain a generator part. I told the parts person (Josh) that i was not a dealer but the repair facility i was using could not get the part. He agreed to sell it to me at $395, and call wit... read more


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