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Making the decision to terminate a pregnancy is one of the hardest choices a woman will ever have to make, many people frown upon abortions and make nasty comments, you should really think before saying anything, I myself was one of those people..... I was 100% against abortions and thought there was nothing worse in life then having an abortion, until I found out I was pregnant. I had all these crazy thoughts and different emotions running through me, I was happy, scared, upset..... I had no idea what to think, I didn't believe it. As much as I wanted nothing more then to have this baby deep down I knew I couldn't. I could not provide the child with everything he/she needed. I wasn't about to go on welfare and collect hard working peoples tax money..... I didn't have a job at the time and I was still living at home, a baby just wasn't an option at that point in my life. I made the decision to have an abortion at the Morgentaler clinic in Toronto in August of 2014. As soon as I got there I was asked for my health card and how I got there, After that they let us in (my boyfriend and I). They gave me some paperwork to fill out, the place was filled, tons of girls/women. After I was finished filling out the paperwork I was called in by a counsellor, she asked me a few questions then I was sent back to the waiting room (The counsellor was very polite and wasn't judgmental towards me at all, she made me feel welcomed and didn't make me feel uneasy at all). After a few more minutes of waiting I was called in by another counsellor, she asked if I was nervous and I said yes, because I was terrified, I also hate needles more than anything, I pass out when given them usually. She gave me a pill to take and it calmed me down, I wasn't as on edge. After that she took me into a room (Where only women who were having an abortion were allowed) I was given a key for a locker to put my things in, I was asked to take a seat in the waiting room, (Separate waiting room, where only other women getting abortions were), After a few minutes I was called into a room where a lady did an ultrasound on me, and pricked my finger (which didn't hurt at all, trust me I hate needles and it didn't even phase me). I was told I was 15 weeks, which is really far along, yes I know what you thinking.... how and why would anyone wait that long, as I said this decision is one of the hardest decisions a woman will EVER have to make. Because of how far along I was, I was given another couple of pills, which helped soften my cervix.... I was allowed to go back out to the waiting room where my boyfriend was, which was nice and comforting. After about 30 minutes I was called back to the room where only other women getting an abortion were allowed, I was asked to put on a nightgown and take a seat in the waiting room, (Separate waiting room, where only other women getting abortions were), All of us talked, we all understood each other and knew exactly what each other were going through, it was nice to be near other women who didn't judge me, they understood me. After about 5 minutes I was called to another room that was in the same room if that makes sense... I was asked to sit in a chair that laid back abit, I was given an IV which nearly made me pass out, but I didn't, it hurt for a second, but wasn't bad at all on a pain scale of 1-10, it was a 1. After a few more minutes I was called into the procedure room, it was time, I was so nervous. I got in there and the lady was very nice, she asked me to lay down and relax, she then put some drugs into my IV and I was out of it, The doctor then came into the room and was very friendly as well, he said this will be quick and painless, I was given laughing gas (a mask which I was breathing into) the lady was doing an ultrasound on me while the doctor was doing the procedure, it didn't hurt at all, it was very fast, about 5 minutes. I then was told the procedure was complete and I was given a pad to put on, I asked if I could see the baby, ( I looked up abortion pictures online before my procedure and was horrified with what I seen) I was advised not too, but they allowed me to take a quick look, the baby was in a dish, in one piece, bloody but all in one piece which I was very calming for me, (after seeing all the horrifying pictures online of babies being in multiple pieces) its nothing like that. I was then walked out to the laid back chair, given a heating pad and a blanket, after about 2 minutes I was given some crackers and gingerale (which was nice because you cant eat for 12 hrs before your procedure) the IV was taken out of me and I was asked to check my pad to see how much I was bleeding, which was a tiny bit.... I then got changed out of the nightgown and was given a care package which includes papers, condoms and a pad, also 2 pills to take with your next meal. I then was walked out to my boyfriend and we left. I ended up sleeping on the car ride home. When I got home I had a shower, read the papers in the care package and cried. Then I ate and took the pills and went to bed, the next morning there was no pain at all, I was still bleeding but it was normal, just like a regular period. I decided to write this review because I couldn't find any reviews online before my abortion which really bothered me. I hope this review is able to help anyone having to make this decision, it is hard but you will get through it. If anyone needs information or advice feel free to email me at [email protected]
1/9/2015 3:54:02 AM Report